Services for Teaching Staff
All University of Bonn teaching staff—including contract lecturers—can participate in a wide range of workshops and courses and take advantage of advice services relating to the design of teaching-learning scenarios. Capacity permitting, we also welcome teaching staff from other member institutions of the “Hochschuldidaktik NRW” network.
Should you have any questions or specific requirements, please contact us directly, we will be happy to help!
Workshops and courses
We organize workshops focusing on a wide range of didactics issues led by internal and external trainers.
NRW certificate and DEiN Parcours independent study course
Information and registration for our NRW certificate and DEiN Parcours independent study course
OER at the University of Bonn
Information about and services relating to open educational resources, our OER office hours and the state portal
Links and downloads
Practical tips, instructions, guidelines and interesting links relating to the topic of university didactics
Advice and independent study courses
Personalized teaching advice
Our personalized teaching advice focuses on your specific needs. Work with us to develop strategies for your teaching, reflect on your methodological approach and progress in your teaching projects. Contact us by mail if you need individual teaching advice.
Specialist or team consultation
Working within the scope of group consultation sessions, we work together to address individual and general questions, develop (cross-program) teaching concepts and methodologies and provide support in the didactically-structured redesign of modules, courses and even entire sections of degree programs. Contact us by mail if you need this type of advice.
Job shadowing
Watching colleagues teach is an integral part of the training provided within the scope of our certificate programs, and is a mandatory part of the basic module in the subject areas “teaching and learning” and “feedback and evaluation”. You also have the option of transferring credits gained within the scope of a further teacher shadowing unit to the extension module. Contact us by mail if you wish to take part in teacher shadowing.
Designing online courses
This eCampus course leads its participants through the important steps in the design of an online course and imparts practical tips and tricks for implementation. Access to the eCampus course requires a Uni-ID.
Further services in Confluence
Visit our Confluence pages. Access to these pages is restricted to University members, so you must log in with your Uni-ID (in BONNET or via VPN). Here you will find further information about current calls for proposals, workshop descriptions, interesting teaching projects from your colleagues from the certificate programs and much more.
Training offered by eCampus
The eCampus team offers a wide range of training courses (webinars) every semester to support you with digital teaching. For beginners and new employees, we offer introductions to the use of eCampus. In other webinars, you will learn more about specific tools, e.g. for collecting student work, for maths tasks and for communication. You will also gain insights into other portals such as eCampus Video (eLecture), which allows you to record and publish lectures in combination with presentations. You will also learn about the use of eExams (eKlausuren) with different types of tasks and hybrid scenarios. From digital exams to ePortfolios, there are many possibilities that you can use in your teaching. Register directly for the eCampus training courses via the following link.
Since 2014
Workshop participants
Graduates of the certificate program

Virtual collaboration project
Our Virtual Collaboration (ViCo) project works to develop a range of teaching and learning scenarios for collaborative working and learning in a digital environment in order to strengthen the overall level of education provided at the University of Bonn. The project implements three topic-specific learning spaces. They support our students to build essential competences of research-oriented education for their digitally connected world of living and work through the facilitation of independent, collaborative and constructive work processes. The three topics are: (1) "collaborative work with media", (2) "collaborative scientific computing" and (3) "collaborative work in and on three-dimensional environments". Within their learning spaces, digital tools permit the students at an early point in their studies to realize and visualize own development processes in an analytic approach and the teaching staff to integrate formats of peer-feedback in their education. A fourth virtual community space for teaching staff establishes an environment that facilitates systematic reflection on and communication about higher education. In this way, (participating) teaching staff can find inspiration and practical support within collegial exchange formats.
Further information about the project is available in our Confluence area (accessible from BONNET or via VPN).
Subscribe to our newsletter
Our newsletter provides regular information about the workshops and courses that we organize and issues in the field of didactics and teaching.
Inquiries on qualification
Please address all inquiries about our training provision to:
Your contact persons
The contact persons responsible for the individual areas are listed here: The BZH team
See also
The Qualifications team
Further information about the individual members of the Qualifications team
Collaboration with other institutions
We work in close cooperation with the Medical Didactics team, the Argelander Competence Center and Human Resource Development.
BZH partners
Find out more about the collaboration of the Bonn Center for Higher Education with other University bodies and a range of working and project groups.