Bonn Center for Higher Education (BZH)

This web page gives an overview of the services and course provision of the BZH to equip those involved in the core aspects of teaching and learning to provide sustained excellence. It also contains a range of information about the center and its approach. We are looking forward to working with you!



Workshop series "Central Principles of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education" in English.
More information: Flyer1.

Digital collage. A three-legged board with implied text, next to a target with an arrow in the center, an award ribbon with a "Done" checkmark on it and a pair of glasses. In the background are a large, dark blue circle and a smaller, light blue circle that partially overlap.

For teaching staff

Workshops, advice and support, certificates, courses, downloads and a range of other services tailored to the needs of university teaching staff

Digital collage. A glowing light bulb, three cogwheels underneath, next to it a written sheet of paper with a "Done" tick, on the sheet of paper a pair of glasses. In the background are a large, dark blue circle and a smaller, light blue circle that partially overlap.

For student and course manager

Advice, training, Kenndatenportal and other IT-supported services pertaining to quality management and campus management

Digital collage. A hand writing with a pencil on a pad to the left. Below it is a laptop and to the right of the laptop a award ribbon with a "Done" tick. In the background are a large, dark blue circle and a smaller, light blue circle that partially overlap.

For tutors and mentors

Our tutors’ program, workshops, courses, downloads and other services for students

Digital collage. At the bottom left is a notebook with a list from one to three, on which a pen is lying. Above it are two speech bubbles, with three dots in the larger one. Next to it is a calendar and at the top right a pin. In the background are a large, dark blue and a smaller, light blue circle, which partially overlap.

Workshops and courses

Workshops and courses on university didactics run at the University of Bonn


What we do

The range of provision of the Bonn Center for Higher Education in the area of quality management, campus management, qualifications and University-wide projects.

Digital collage. Outline of four people with a network-like construct consisting of 14 interconnected dots, diagonally right above them. In the background are a large, dark blue and a smaller, light blue circle, which partially overlap.

Who we are

The management group and team of the Bonn Center for Higher Education, our cooperation partners at the University and information and links to working and project groups.

Digital graphic. Purple megaphone.

The BZH blog

Read our blog on Confluence! It provides useful new information and practical tips relating to university didactics, campus and quality management, open educational resources, virtual collaboration and calls for proposals (accessible from BONNET or via VPN).


General inquiries

Please submit all general questions via email to:

Your contact persons

All contact persons for the individual aspects of our provision: The BZH team10

Bonner Zentrum für Hochschullehre
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