The University of Bonn Kenndatenportal is a web-based quality management platform for the visualization of study progression data.
These web pages provide fundamental information on the functions and use of Kenndatenportal as well as information on the University-wide characteristic data network.
Support for the degree program management process
The portal works in real time to convert data from a campus management system into heat maps for the analysis of academic cohorts, modules and examinations. The diagrams provide an easy-to-understand overview of data from extensive studies, enable the rapid identification of neuralgic points in a study progression and permit the examination of a range of issues, for example the effectiveness of changes to examination regulations.

The BZH has been developing and operating Kenndatenportal since November 2011. The software has been available free of charge to a network of other universities (see below) since 2017.
The BZH works together with experts from the University faculties to develop inquiry parameters and define the aggregation forms of data sets. This confers a range of advantages, including the ability to incorporate the different needs of the individual subjects.
Kenndatenportal applies a range of filters and other parameters to predefined analysis goals in order to develop answers to a range of questions.
Information for students and applicants
Are you interested in finding out which of your personal data we collect and manage and the steps that we take to ensure its protection? We provide detailed information about how we handle your confidential data here.
Using Kenndatenportal
University staff can consult detailed information about Kenndatenportal and its usage in Confluence (accessible from BONNET or via VPN).
Kenndatenportal, examples of data visualization
The “success record” is the most important analysis goal of Kenndatenportal. In this example from the portal area “student cohort analysis,” success is measured by analysis of the graduation status (graduated, enrolled, finished without a degree). During the development phase of the portal, the status of a cohort is tracked over several program-related semesters and compared with several enrollment semesters.
The status of each cohort can be outputted for a uniform program-related semester.
There are two different types of visualization:
- as trend: the status of one cohort is tracked over several semesters
- as comparison: the status of several cohorts in a specific program-related semester
A student cohort progression analysis incorporates the calculation of the examination success record of a single cohort. The individual examination attempts are shown per person as a horizontal sequence. Various horizontal and vertical sortings are possible. In both examples, students were arranged vertically according to their status as graduated, still enrolled and dropped out (see the bar to the right next to the progression diagrams). When sorting horizontally by program-related semester, the grid shows how long the students were enrolled. When sorting by performance, the examinations with the most failed attempts overall are shown from left to right (A to J). Examinations with fewer failed attempts are grouped together on the right (under K).
The “whereabouts” is another analysis option in the portal area “student cohort analysis”.
The simple visualization differentiates between three statuses: 1) Still enrolled (light blue), 2) graduated or dropped out and then left university (dark blue) and 3) graduated or dropped out and then enrolled in another subject or degree program at the university (purple).
In the example shown here, the status of the re-enrolled students was expanded and the color purple was replaced by traffic light colors to indicate student status in the follow-up studies. The cohort was filtered to show only graduates of the subject under focus.
The University of Bonn has maintained a cooperation agreement with a number of other universities since October 2017 with the aim of achieving synergies in the area of quality management in teaching and learning.
Working within the scope of this agreement, the University of Bonn makes the software of Kenndatenportal freely available as source code and accompanies the implementation process at partner institutions. In return, all cooperation partners undertake to work together in developing the portal and its application scenarios and thus develop standard procedures for the improvement of teaching and learning.
The network currently involves the participation of the following institutions University of Wuppertal, Hochschule Düsseldorf – University of Applied Sciences, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin – University of Applied Sciences, Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig), Goethe University Frankfurt, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, University of Bonn, University of Hamburg, University of Stuttgart, University of Rostock.
The network welcomes the participation of further members in its development work.
Kenndatenportal received BMBF funding within the scope of the Quality Pact for Teaching between 2011 and 2020 and was awarded the Stifterverband prize in 2013.

See also
Quality Management
Quality assurance and development in teaching and learning
BZH partners
Find out more about the collaboration of the BZH with further University bodies and a range of working and project groups.
The curriculum structure
The curriculum structure portal is a web-based program dedicated to the organization and visualization of curricular structures.