Campus Management

Our service provision for the faculties in the areas of process development, application consulting and support and requirements management.

Modern universities manage a complete student life cycle—from applications, the completion of a degree program and the transition to a consecutive or doctoral program—electronically using a campus management system (CMS).

To this end, the University of Bonn initiated its own CMS system in 2006 called BASIS (Bonner Aktuelles Studierendeninformationssystem). The system currently runs HIS eG (GX-Campus) software modules, which are set to be superseded by HISinOne. Hochschulrechenzentrum (HRZ) and Division 2 of the central administration collaborate in the operation of this system and provide support services (University IT und Division 2).

Responsibility for the organizational and content design of the processes and their realization in the campus management system has been devolved as part as the devolution of responsibility to the faculties and departments for the management of teaching and examinations. Each of the units maintains contact persons to answer questions in this area. The contact persons can themselves consult the BZH for assistance with tasks relating to process design and IT-supported implementation.

Process development

We provide advice and support to all those engaged in the development of lean, user-friendly administrative processes and their translation into technical processes and the decentralized implementation of IT-supported processes in the campus management system.

The demand for complex CMS systems and the march of technical progress has established their design and support as a dedicated field in its own right. The demands of an increasingly dynamic university sector results in the development of technically ever-more complex systems providing diverse organizational interfaces. Seeking to establish a coordinated and sustainable application management system, the advisory services provided by the BZH assume a linking function between technology and the needs of the various user groups for applications.

The BZH supports the work of the faculties in this area primarily through the provision of the following services:

  • Advising process managers in the faculties and departments on the development of strategies for the introduction and implementation of IT-supported procedures such as electronic examination registration systems and course registration procedures.
  • The provision of support to process modeling performed in the context of organizing degree programs and examinations and the electronic mapping of examination regulations.
  • The provision of advice and support to process owners in error analysis, controlling, the optimization of IT-supported procedures (process evaluation) and software use.

Application consulting and support

We facilitate the decentralized operation of the campus management system, in particular through the provision of advice and support to process owners in the faculties by offering a range of auxiliary services such as user training and documentation.

Providing advice and support in decentralized application management, the BZH acts within the framework of working groups and committees to perform the role of interface between the faculties, the administration and the central providers of IT services. Working with all the stakeholders, it seeks to promote shared responsibility between them for safeguarding and optimization of the operational, IT-supported processes in teaching and learning.

The analysis and modeling of the processes deployed in the management of degree programs and examinations is performed at the intersection of content-related requirements, organizational framework conditions and the functional possibilities of the IT used. Deploying expertise in all three areas, we provide consultation services aiming at the realization of content-appropriate, cross-institutional and sustainable processes in degree program organization and the management of degree programs and examinations.

The BZH provides advice and support regarding the decentralized implementation and operation of IT-supported processes in CMS with a particular focus on:

  • Application consulting and organization and the provision of user training
  • Advice and coordination in the harmonization of processes
  • Increasing resilience through specific, short-term operational support in authorized cases.
  • Software deployment optimization through the provision of cross-faculty documentation, participation in test scenarios and the development of requirement profiles for new functions.

Continuously updated user centralized documentation for the BASIS campus management system is provided in Confluence (accessible from the BONNET or via VPN) via the link Campusmanagement-Wiki.

Requirements management

We examine the feasibility of implementing solutions for requirements arising from the specifications of examination regulations and from a range of other factors such as the optimization of administrative processes or considerations of user-friendliness. In this context, we provide advice and support to those tasked with the development of specific requirement profiles. Possible solution scenarios are, where necessary, submitted to HIS for the purpose of assessing and coordinating the expansion of functions within the development planning framework.

Used in the context of software, the term "requirements" refers to the formulated and comprehensively agreed conditions and properties of a system to be developed, the purpose of which is the binding definition of the needs and goals of a user community and any other stakeholders. Modern systematic requirements management is a cross-phase and cross-project task in the sense of a continuous process which, depending on the quality of the processes to be supported on the one hand and the ability to adapt the system landscape on the other, require institutionally comprehensive coordinated procedures and corresponding committee paths for the further development of procedures and their IT-supported implementation. The BZH provides continual support to such development processes, both in terms of content and institutional and organizational needs.


Avatar Ring

Alexander Ring

Avatar Fischer

Stefanie Fischer

Avatar Bernst

Irina Bernst

See also

Quality Management

Quality assurance and development in teaching and learning


The organization and implementation of qualifications

BZH partners

Find out more about the collaboration of the BZH with further University bodies and a range of working and project groups.

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