Quality Management
The Bonn Center for Higher Education works to facilitate the University-wide teaching and learning quality assurance and development processes. Our activities in this area are rooted in the specifications of the Guiding Principles in Studying and Teaching der of the University of Bonn and the Evaluation Regulations for Teaching and Learning at the University of Bonn.
Characteristics data-supported quality development
We provide decentralized access to characteristics data relevant to the performance of study progression analyses via a web portal and provide support to the departments in their pursuit of best practice through interpretation of the data.
A comprehensive WIKI focusing on Kenndatenportal can be found in Confluence (accessible from BONNET or via VPN).
Skills-focus and curriculum development
We provide advice and support to those tasked with curriculum analysis (also supported by characteristics data), the formulation and curricular implementation of qualifications and learning objectives and the realization of a skills focus in curriculum development. Detailed Information about skills development and information about the Curriculum structure portal is available in Confluence (accessible from BONNET or via VPN).
The dovetailing of module and degree program objectives within the context of skills-focused curriculum development is of equal importance as the coordination of module objectives within the wider program. This consideration also applies to the coordination of the objectives of individual classes and modules and the selection of an examination form that matches the desired skills acquisition goal. The student workload and the general study experience (including obligatory skills acquisition sequences and dependencies) form framing guidelines in this area. Sufficient consideration must be accorded to the teaching—implicitly or explicitly—of general and interdisciplinary skills such as data literacy which are required to equip graduates to conduct further research or start a career.
These issues should be taken into account in the development of degree programs so as to ensure the following:
- Qualification and module objectives are to be formulated in an action-oriented manner and provide information regarding the specific skills and the point in the degree program at which students will acquire them.
- Objectives are matched to skills applications to ensure the sustainability of the learning processes (i.e. the form assumed by the teaching and examinations) and fit into the concept of lifelong learning, thereby avoiding habits of "teaching to the test" (also known as bulimic learning).
- The transparency of the study progression: every section of the degree program should make clear which skills it imparts and the interrelationship of each module and its skills focus to the others. This avoids both redundancy and mismatches between the skills of the students and the requirements made of them during the module.
- The requirements made of the organization and quality of degree programs necessitate regular analysis of the aspects outlined above and realization of the defined skills progressions and self-defined quality standards.
Training and qualifications
Seeking to make a tangible contribution to quality assurance and development in teaching and learning, the BZH runs training and qualifications in the area of university didactics—including e-learning and blended learning—and degree program management.
Our Training services for Kenndatenportal are outlined in the Bonn intranet in Confluence (accessible from BONNET or via VPN). Access to Kenndatenportal is contingent upon training; we are happy to arrange in-depth needs-driven training and consultation tailored to the needs of individual users.
Information about our service provision for teachers and tutors is provided in the Qualifications area.
Shared responsibility for good teaching
We are committed to supporting those working to establish and strengthen teaching communities, for example within the framework of topic-led orientation days on the faculty, department, subject group and institute level. We outline the services which we provide in this area in our Qualifications area.
Advice and contact information
Members of the University of Bonn can access detailed information on the topics outlined above on the corresponding pages in Confluence (accessible from BONNET or via VPN). Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Stefan Krüger
Daniel Pickert
See also
Campus Management
Our university-wide degree program and examination management system
Kenndatenportal is a web-based quality management platform for the visualization of study progression data.