The BZH management team
In accordance with its function as a cross-faculty service unit active in the area of teaching and learning, the BZH is managed by its director, the Vice Rector for Teaching, Learning and University Development, who works closely with, and chairs, a steering committee consisting of the Deans of Study and the Chairperson of the Bonn Center for Teacher Education (BZL). The head of Teaching and Academic Planning sits on the steering committee in an advisory capacity. University-wide networking via committees and specialist working and project groups engaged with tasks identical or similar to that in the remit of the BZH, also ensures the coordinated planning of provision in this area.

Director of the BZH
Professor Dr. Klaus Sandmann is the Vice Rector for Teaching, Learning and University Development. Carrying responsibility for fundamental and cross-faculty matters in the areas of teaching and learning, he is also Director of the Bonn Center for Higher Education, a central operating unit responsible (in conjunction with internal and external partners) for the provision of advice, support and services to all faculties with core responsibilities in the areas of teaching and learning. Prof. Sandmann is also tasked with a further range of duties including the cross-faculty organizational structural and development planning of the University.
Members of the BZH steering committee
Vice Rector for Teaching, Learning and University Development
Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Catholic Theology
Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Protestant Theology
Vice Dean for Teaching of the Faculty of Law and Economics
Vice Dean for Teaching and Learning of the Faculty of Medicine
Vice Dean for Studies of the Faculty of Arts
Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Vice Dean for Teaching and Learning of the Faculty of Agriculture
Chairperson of the executive committee of the Bonn Center for Teacher Education
Director of Teaching and Academic Planning
General inquiries
Please submit all general questions via email to:
Your contact persons
All contact persons for the individual aspects of our provision: The BZH team
See also
BZH partners
Find out more about the collaboration of the BZH with further University bodies and a range of working and project groups.
Degree program management
Our range of provision, training and advice in the area of degree program management